Sharp Imagery 2k15 Wrapup

Two Thousand and Fifteen. I wasn’t going to do a summary of this year. It wasn’t until I sat back and thought about what I had accomplished, and the adventures I’d been on that I realised that I’d actually been quite busy! Let’s start from back in January, with potentially the trip of a lifetime….

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Porsche Cayenne GTS x Red Chrome GTR Pt.2

The week after Shooting this beautiful Red Chrome R35 GTR for Exclusive Wraps, the owner contacted me to do a follow up shoot alongside his red Porsche Cayenne GTS. OF COURSE I WILL! The R35GTR. The Porsche Cayenne GTS. All together now. Thank you to Chris from Sirck. Designs & Images for the assist on…

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Porsche 911SC

Whilst in Sydney, working for Downshift I had the opportunity to visit an incredible workshop, City Performance Centre. In this garage were some MINDBLOWING cars, not to mention the vehicles being worked on in the carpark! Whilst we were there, I couldn’t stop staring at this beautifully immaculate 1978 Porsche 911SC coupe. After having a…

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Gintani Track Day

Thursday before last I was invited out to Queensland Raceway by Dave from Gintani Australia. It was a no pressure afternoon session with no timing, but full helmet racing. A good opportunity to have a driving instructor jump in your car with you, help you with your lines and to learn your car. It was…

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Supercar Sunday

6:00am Sunday morning, waking to my alarm. I’ve been asleep for about 5 hours. Too tired initially to get up, I quickly evaluate my day’s plans and figure I can spare another 30 minutes. Reset alarm and I’m back in the abyss of sleep. Four seconds later the alarm is tearing me from my slumber…

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