High End Living

Waking up Sunday to amazingly blue skies and not a cloud in sight I knew today was going to be an incredible day. Not just because of the weather but the plans ahead. One of the owners of Downshift, Matyas and I had scored an invite along with Brisbane Super Car Club for a mountain…

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Supercar Sunday

6:00am Sunday morning, waking to my alarm. I’ve been asleep for about 5 hours. Too tired initially to get up, I quickly evaluate my day’s plans and figure I can spare another 30 minutes. Reset alarm and I’m back in the abyss of sleep. Four seconds later the alarm is tearing me from my slumber…

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Supercar Skidpan Day

Late 2012, I was invited along to Mount Cotton Driver Training Centre by the boys from Brisbane Super Car Club to cover them having some fun in the wet. Not even having to think about that I immediately answered yes and locked it in. I’d never been to Mount Cotton before, but was sure I…

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