Euromarque Track Day

I was invited out by one of the attendees to the Euromarque Track Day at Queensland Raceway recently. Consisting of customers in their Lotuses, R series Audis, Maseratis and Ferraris, the day was about driver education, fun, and having a go at some sprint laps. I’ll let the pictures do the talking for the day.

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Louis XIII Luxury Network Event

What do Club Suntory, Mitchell Ogilvie, Euromarque and Dello Mano have in common? They are the upon the highest level of luxury, class, style and taste in their games, and they were all at Electronic Living for another Luxury Network evening. Walking in through the front sliding doors of Electronic Living you are always greeted…

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EXI73 Toyota Supra

On a recent cruise I took the opportunity to snap a few photos of my good friend Emily’s MKIV TT Supra. Josie also also came along for the drive in her NA MKIV I wanted to try something a little more special for one of the photos, so tried my hand at a composite.

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Riverfire 2013

This year for Brisbane’s River Festival finale I was invited onto the 90ft luxury yacht ‘Pure Adrenalin’. It was an incredible experience being surrounded by fun, happy people enjoying the night, romance and fireworks. I concentrated on the atmosphere and the people, and slipped in a couple of pictures of exploding colour. Enjoy. The planes…

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James’ bagged Polo

This is only one shot, however I needed to share it. My friend James and I headed out to a new location so that I could try a style of photography that I haven’t before. Lighting a full car and scenery. We found a beautiful location lined with flowering Jacaranda trees and we got set…

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High End Living

Waking up Sunday to amazingly blue skies and not a cloud in sight I knew today was going to be an incredible day. Not just because of the weather but the plans ahead. One of the owners of Downshift, Matyas and I had scored an invite along with Brisbane Super Car Club for a mountain…

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Lamborghini Brisbane

Recently I was meant to meetup with some Supercar friends, and a nice winding drive through the mountains. Weather had other ideas and decided to pour with rain. Instead we all met up in the Valley and figure where we would head. There were a few cars in attendance. From AMG’s, to an R35 GTR,…

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