C63 – AMG

I first met Jay, the owner of this unique 2009 C63 AMG at a Downshift meet as he was leaving. Going over and giving him a quick thanks for bringing such a rad car to one of the events has led to me getting the opportunity to photograph this monster V8. Back in the day…

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High End Living

Waking up Sunday to amazingly blue skies and not a cloud in sight I knew today was going to be an incredible day. Not just because of the weather but the plans ahead. One of the owners of Downshift, Matyas and I had scored an invite along with Brisbane Super Car Club for a mountain…

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Mercedes-Benz AMG SLK55

When Johnny contacted me to buy a canvas of his SLK55 from a cruise a couple of months back I said “Yeah sure, but it’s just of your car on the side of the road. Why don’t we do a proper photoshoot of it and give you some great pictures to choose from!” Without a…

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Supercar Sunday

6:00am Sunday morning, waking to my alarm. I’ve been asleep for about 5 hours. Too tired initially to get up, I quickly evaluate my day’s plans and figure I can spare another 30 minutes. Reset alarm and I’m back in the abyss of sleep. Four seconds later the alarm is tearing me from my slumber…

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